All you want is for your customers to feel that passion that you feel for your own business. Are we right? Say you’ve been trying for absolutely ages to get views and traffic on your website directly. But you’re finding it so frustrating because it seems like your ranking isn’t high enough to get you noticed compared to other, bigger businesses.
‘Pay per click’ is the way to go to reach the top of the search engine.
Have you ever seen those ads which appear at the top of Google? Well, that’s an example of a marketing method called ‘pay per click’. It appears at the top of the search engine everytime a user searches the same relevant keywords. For every person driven onto your website through the ad, you pay the search engine.
So how does it work?
First, you make an account on either Google or Bing. But don’t worry, it’s completely free to sign up so you aren’t tied down to the account.
Next step is you’ve got to decide who you want to attract.
So, let’s start with the biggest question when it comes to your business – who are your ideal customers? These are the people you want to attract with your advert. They could be your current target audience or even people that you aspire to attract.
Really, it’s just someone who’s going to benefit from your products and services. It makes them feel like the business is tailored to them. It can help create a ripple effect as the word gets out about you.
It’s extremely easy to set up an ad as there are guides from both Google and Bing. It can even take the matter of minutes to actually set up. It’s your choice on the number of people it has the possibility of attracting. You can have the advert shown just kilometres from your business or to entire regions and countries. The advert could be out and live within seconds to your target audience.
But you may want to think about your campaign before you press that publish button. This is because you have to give keywords with the ad, so make sure it’s aimed at your target audience.
Top tip: Use relevant words! If a user searches your keyword, it will come up in their search engine results. So rather than using general phrases, think of single words that sum up your business or service that appeals to your audience.
You also have to write a brief advert for your website, don’t worry you don’t need to be a linguistic expert on this one. It just acts as a brief summary of your business or service. Our top tip: use descriptive short sentences to really sell your website. Show those users your brand is the bees’ knees. Basically, showing them that you’re the ones that they should be coming to rather than your competitors.
Now, to that all-important thing…cost!
It’s actually completely free to display the ads. You only have to pay if you get clicks through to your website. But you can manage the amount you spend by setting a budget with either Bing or Google. So, you can spend as little or as much as you like. It’s your choice.
Bing and Google will suggest how much you should set your budget to. But if you don’t feel as though you need to pay attention to that, you can always lower the amount you pay. It’s your call.
If you’ve exceeded your maximum spend of the day or month then the search engine will hide your advert. But don’t worry, it’s not gone forever – they will re-display it when your budget is refreshed.
You have complete control over your budget and data. Through logging into your account, you can track the progress of the ad. You can see exactly who you’re attracting and what needs work – so you can adjust the ad till you get it just right.